Auto Injuries

Hillsboro Auto Accident Chiropractor

What You Should Know After Being Involved in An Auto Accident

When seeking auto injury treatment in Hillsboro, medical doctors may not be trained in the detection of soft tissue injuries. If you have been in an auto accident, you need a doctor who is trained in the biomechanics of the human body, someone who treats these injuries every day. Soft-tissue and Connective tissue injuries are very stubborn and often do not heal completely, leaving the region weak and not fully functional.

Our primary responsibility is to give you the appropriate care you need. OUR GOAL is for you to have a quick and complete recovery from your auto accident and to help you document any residual disability.

Picture of a test dummy in a crashed car with the airbag deployed.

Treatment Usually Includes

If you are having any radicular symptoms (radiating pain or numbness & tingling down the arms or legs) we are the only clinic in Hillsboro and one of the very few clinics in the city to offer Decompression Therapy.

You Are Not Alone

2.5 million people are injured each year in car accidents which are classified as either low speed (under 10 mph) or high speed (over 10 mph).

Common injuries are whiplash and sprain/strains which can lead to headaches, loss of sleep, TMJ disorders & dizziness to name a few. Symptoms can occur immediately but often take a day to a week or two to develop.

Signs and Symptoms that may result from an auto injury:

  •     Back Pain
  •     Neck Pain
  •     Headaches
  •     Numbness or Tingling
  •     Anxiety
  •     Fatigue
  •     Irritability
  •     Ringing in the Ears
  •     Loss of Sleep
  •     Arm/Leg Symptoms (radiation)
  •     Blurred Vision

Auto accidents can take a toll on you not only physically but emotionally as well. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, Oregon Spine and Disc in Hillsboro is here to help you through the process. We will help you with your personal injury claim and help you find a personal injury lawyer to represent you if this becomes necessary. At Oregon Spine and Disc we have rehabilitation equipment that are specifically designed to treat whiplash and other ailments secondary to motor vehicle and work-related accidents.

Questions & Answers

If you have been in an auto accident recently, there are some important decisions you have to make, and if I were you, I'd make these decisions very carefully.

  • Q: Should I See An Attorney Before I See My Chiropractor?

    A: It is important to get checked out by the doctor first. That way the findings from your exam will allow you the information you need in order to decide if an attorney is necessary. If necessary, we can refer you to a reputable and qualified attorney.

  • Q: What If My Car Sustained Only Minor Damage?

     A: Documented studies done by Charles Carroll, M.D., Paul McAtee, M.D. and Lee Riley, M.D. revealed that: "The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine (neck) of the occupants." In other words, the damage to the passengers is not necessarily directly related to the damage to the vehicle.

  • Q: If I Need Treatment For This Injury, Do I Have To Pay For It Myself?

     A: No. Nearly always the PIP portion of the insurance policy will pay for everything. My office can assist you in obtaining this information. Using your medical coverage should not raise your premiums.

  • Q: The Insurance Company Has Been Calling Me And Wants To Settle, What Should I Do?

     A: Do not sign or settle until you have had us evaluate your injury for you. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will be completely on your own and will have to pay out of pocket for your care.

  • Q: I've Been to the Hospital and My Medical Doctor, Do I Really Need to See a Chiropractor?

     A: You need a doctor who focuses in the treatment and diagnosis of auto accident injuries. Usually hospitals will check vital signs, make sure there are no life-threatening conditions and release the patient with pain relief medication. most medical doctors are not trained in the detection of soft tissue injuries and they normally do not treat the underlying improper musculoskeletal biomechanics that can and often do lead to future pain and dysfunction. If you are still having problems, you should get a second opinion. If your M.D. has given you pills, you must understand that pills do not correct structural or soft tissue damage. There are special therapies designed for that, and we offer these modalities at our office.

  • Q: Does Your Care Hurt?

     A: Absolutely not. The care is very gentle and quite soothing. Most patients can hardly wait to get their care.

  • Q: Is The Care Safe?

     A: Yes, extremely. Particularly when compared to the side effects from medication. I urge you to go to the patient testimonial tab to get a feel for what you can expect.

Myths About Auto Accidents

#1 - Fakers, Frauds, and Phonies

Myth: People who claim they are injured from a car accident are con artists, looking to make a quick buck.

The vast majority of people who claim they have been injured in an auto accident HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN INJURED!! Insurance companies have made extensive efforts to suggest, imply, and sometimes actually state that most people who claim an auto accident injury is a fraud. Hollywood hasn’t helped either, as we’ve all seen movies in which someone is wearing a neck brace and faking an injury.

The fact that you have injuries and feel pain is not abnormal and is not suspicious. When two vehicles collide, it involves thousands of pounds of steel colliding together at high speeds and you are caught in the middle. It isn’t any wonder that you have been injured as a result.

#2 - Attorneys = Ambulance Chasers

Myth: Attorneys who deal with car and auto accidents are ambulance chaser, who work with fraudulent clients to abuse the system.

There are unscrupulous people in every profession, but the majority of attorneys care about their clients and act in their best interest. If you are feeling uncertain or uneasy about your current attorney, never hesitate to look for another or ask us for a referral.

#3 - Go to the Chiropractor to make a quick buck

Myth: If you have been in an accident, go to the chiropractor because he/she can make you money off your insurance claim. Imagine you were involved in a car accident where your head hit the steering wheel and three of your teeth were broken. A Dentist would be the “go-to” doctor in this scenario. After seeing your Dentist and having your teeth fixed, it would be common for the insurance company to offer a settlement to you as a means to reimbursing your dental expenses. This is no different than seeing a chiropractor for your neck or back pain in which the connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, fascia, cartilage etc) have been fissured, torn or broken.

The only reason this myth exists is because of the types of injuries Doctors of Chiropractic treat. DCs specialize in treating injuries to joints, ligaments, muscles, and nerves (called musculoskeletal & neurological injuries). These are the tissues most frequently injured in car accidents.

Chiropractors are the health care provider best suited to handle your injury as these are the types of injuries we are trained to treat. Many Doctors of Chiropractic have additional training and education in dealing with patients involved in motor vehicle accidents.

#4 - Injuries should heal within 6 to 12 weeks

Myth: Car accident injuries only involve sprain/strain type injuries and should resolve within 6-12 weeks on their own. This is one of those statements that insurance adjusters love to make, despite the fact that they have absolutely no training or expertise on medical matters. And the public not only believes this, they often tell friends, family members, and coworkers, which perpetuates the myth.

There are very clear facts that point to the exact opposite, that injuries of this nature commonly linger for some time and often never fully subside. According to Watkinson and Gargan (1), after an average period of 10.8 years, 86% of patients who had suffered a motor vehicle related injury experienced ongoing, related residual pain on a long-term basis with 68% eventually displaying degenerative changes on x-ray imaging. This finding is further supported byHildingsson andToolanen (2), who found that 43% of patients experiencing a neck injury related to a motor vehicle accident had discomfort sufficient to interfere with their capacity for work at 2 years follow-up.

Watkinson A,Gargan MF,Bannister GC. Prognostic factors in soft tissue injuries of the cervical spine. Injury. 1991 Jul;22(4):307-9.

Hildingsson C,Toolanen G. Outcome after soft-tissue injury of the cervical spine. A prospective study of 93 car-accident victims. Acta Orthop Scand. 1990 Aug;61(4):357-9.

#5 - If there isn’t significant damage to the vehicle, then you can’t be seriously injured.

Myth: Car accident injuries work in proportion to the amount of damage to a car, meaning that if only minor damage was done, you cannot be seriously injured (...and are therefore faking your injuries to make money...)

This is simply not true. In fact, studies were performed nearly 40 years ago proving quite the opposite. According to Martinez (1), an eight mile per hour rear end collision produces twice the normal force of gravity (2g) in acceleration of the vehicle. The occupants head will actually experience 5g of acceleration. AT 8 MILES AN HOUR! MnNab (2) further showed that a 15 mph collision will accelerate the vehicle to 10g and the occupants head (an neck) to 20-25g. Additional research has been performed since this time and still no direct correlation as ever been found linking degree of car damage to severity of injury (3).

This is NOT to contradict other information on our website in reference to gaining legal representation (link to segment). That information discusses the “real-world” fact that attorneys will often hesitate to take on a case when damage estimates are below $1500. This is because the attorney knows that very little money will be forthcoming and therefore it is often not worth his/her time to make the effort.

(1) Martinez, J.; Garcia, D. “A Model for Whiplash.” J. Biomech. 1968; 1:23.

(2) McNab, I. “Acceleration Extension Injuries of the Cervical Spine.” The Spine, vol. II. Rothman, Richard, and Simeone 1975.

(3) Freeman MD, Croft AC, Rossignol AM, Weaver DS, Reiser M. A review and methodologic critique of the literature refuting whiplash syndrome. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 1999 Jan 1;24(1):86-96

#6 If you don’t feel pain right away, you haven’t been injured that badly.

Myth: If you don’t feel pain within the first 72 hours after accident, you aren’t really injured.

Most people do feel pain from a car accident within the first 72 hours, but this is not always the case. Sometimes it will take 1-2 weeks before you start feeling all of your symptoms.

Why is this? First of all, inflammation has a tendency to build up over time and this process can be flow and gradual at times. In addition, many people “take it easy” for the first week after an accident. If their neck hurts when they turn to the left, the simply stop turning to the left. Then a week or two later, when they decide to return to their normal life, they suddenly realize that they have a great deal of pain with relatively normal activities. The injury was there all just didn’t know it.

Another factor is the “pain gating” principle. Simply stated, this means that your body mainly detects or feels the most painful injury, which will act to mask or cover up other injuries. Once the most severe of your injuries and pain have calmed down, you may start to notice additional areas of injury. These injuries have been there all along, you just didn't notice them.

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